Eggplant Fungal Diseases – Growing Eggplants Part two
Most often purple, the spongy and absorbent eggplant fruit carries a multitude of beneficial health properties against diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. How to grow your own purple curing bundles? We cover all the steps and requirements for a successful eggplant cultivation in this series.
This disease is caused by the fungus Pythium sp. Which causes rotting of the collar and then total wilting of the plant. This disease is favored by:
- High planting density
- Excessive soil moisture which reduces gas exchange
- High temperatures.
The fight against this disease consists in using Privent at a dose of 500ml per dunum (1000 square meters) or 40ml per 20 liters of water.
Downy mildew
Due to Phytophthora infestans, this disease manifests itself through various symptoms such as oily-looking gray-brown spots on the stem, brown spots on the leaves, and brown mottled fruits that harden.
The factors favoring the appearance of this disease are:
- Fluctuating temperature around 20 ºC
- Plants often watered by rain
Thus, heat and humidity lead to the appearance and spread of mildew.
To control this disease, one of the following fungicides can be sprayed by altering the product from one application to the next:
Powdery mildew
Eggplant powdery mildew is caused by the pathogen Leveillula taurica and Golovinomyces cichoracearum – these two fungi are present in plant debris as inoculum. Thus, the deposit of powdery mildew is favored by alternating wet and sunny periods.
The fight against this pathogen consists of spraying:
- Impact fungicide in 80-100 ml/200 liters of water, or
- Gatten at a dose of 40ml per 200 liters of water; or
- Talendo at a dose of 70ml per 200 liters of water
Note the importance of alternating between the fungicides indicated above.
Verticillium wilt
Verticillium wilt on eggplant is caused by Verticillium dalhiae, a fungus that attacks the vascular system of plants. Symptoms, however, show up at the hottest times of the day as lower leaves wilt and topple over during the night. To date, there is no cure for verticillium wilt. However, it is essential to take preventive measures such as:
- Soil fumigation
- Application of Novotreat at a dose of 2 liters per dunum followed by a second dose of 1 liter per dunum, two weeks after the first intervention.
Note that in case of infestation, and even after appearance of the disease, it is possible to spray Novotreat at a dose of 500ml/200 liters of water to limit the damage.
Gray Mold
Eggplants can often be known by gray rot caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea which leads to rotting of the collar and fruits.
This disease is mainly due to poor watering management coupled with high humidity.
The fight consists of spraying Luna Sensation fungicide at a dose of 80ml per 200 liters of water.
Next up: the main pests attacking your eggplants
By Eng. Mounir Abi Fadel